
AIPS By-Laws

 Académie internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS)
The Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (International Academy of Philosophy of Sciences)  is a class of the Institut International des Sciences Théoriques, whose head office is at 8 Rue Marie de Bourgogne in 1050 Brussels.
A Secretariat General is attached to the Institut International des Sciences Théoriques for the technical performance of the programmes required for the sessions of the Academy.
Title I – Purpose and means.
Art. 1 The purpose of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) is to bring together philosophers of science through generally triennial symposia, held in major scientific centres, through annual conventions, and through the publication of the reports presented at the various sessions of the Academy.
Titre II - Members.
Art. 2 The Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) consists of full members, corresponding members and emeritus members who participate equally in the scientific work of the Academy. - The Academy may nominate honorary members among the personalities who have contributed greatly to the development of the Philosophy of Science: their number may not exceed one tenth of the full members.
Art. 3 Full members who, for three consecutive years, have not taken part in the activities of the Academy, will become corresponding members.
Art. 4 Full members become emeritus members when they reach the age of 75 or even before that age on their request, those full members who for valid reasons feel that they cannot continue to take pat regularly in the activities of the Academy.
Art. 5 The right to vote at the general meetings shall be exercised by the full members, as well as by the honorary and emeritus members that personally attend.
Art. 6 New members will be elected on presentation by the Academic Council or on the reasoned request of three full members at least three months before the vote.
Art. 7 The candidate will be elected only if he or she achieves the absolute majority of the votes in the first ballot, provided that this number is at least equal to the absolute majority of the Academy's full members in attendance or having given a proxy.
Art. 8 The number of full members of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) may not exceed seventy. 
Title III – Academy management.
Art. 9 The Academy is headed by an Academic Board made up by: a chairman, two vice-chairmen, two assessors and a secretary general. The Director of the Institute is a member of the Academic Board by right and takes part in the deliberations. In case of a tie, the Chairman of the Academy has a casting vote.
Art. 10 The terms of the chairman’s, vice-chairman’s, assessor’s and secretary-general’s offices are three years; they are renewable.
Title IV - Participation of the Academy in the academic management of the Institute.
Art. 11
a) The General Academic Board of the International Institute of Theoretical Sciences is made up by the Director of the International Institute of Theoretical Sciences which hold the honorary chairmanship, the members of the Academic Boards of the two Academies belonging to the Institute and three members of the Secretariat General. The members of the Secretariat General are called upon to give technical indications.
(b) If the Director is unable to act, he shall be replaced by the most senior Chairman and, in the case of equal seniority, by the oldest of the two Chairmen.
c) In the event of a tied vote, the director of the Institute shall have a casting vote.
Art. 12 The director of the Institute and the new members of the Secretariat General are appointed by the members on the basis of the General Secretariat. The director of the Institute is in charge of the secretariat general for the performance of the study plans drawn up by the Academic Board on the indications of the Academy.
Titre V – Economic management.
Art. 13 The overhead costs of the secretariat of the Academy are assumed by the secretariat general of the Institute.
Art. 14 The Academic Board shall administer the resources of the Academy.
Art. 15 The general Academic Board shall administer the resources of the Institute common to both Academies.
Titre VI – General Provisions.
Art. 16 The General Meeting of the Academy meets, in principle, every three years. There can be extraordinary general meetings. Full members, emeritus members and honorary members have a right to take part in the meetings. Full members may give their voting proxy in writing to a member participating in the meeting. Each participant may receive up to a maximum of three proxies.
Art. 17 The General Meeting of the Academy shall be competent for making any amendments to the By-laws, approved by two-thirds of the members taking part in the vote, provided that this number is at least equal to the absolute majority of the full members.
Art. 18 All the terms not provided for in these by-laws will be specified in an internal policy.
Excerpt from the By-laws of the asbl Patrimoine de l’Institut International des Sciences Théoriques (PIIST):
Art. 13 The Board of Directors of the PIIST asbl sets annually the amount of the endowments assigned to the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) and to the Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses (AISR).
