
AISR By-Laws

Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses (AISR)
The Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses (International Academy of Religious Sciences) is a class of the Institut International des Sciences Théoriques, whose administration office is at rue Marie de Bourgogne, n° 8, in 1050 Brussels.
A Secretariat general is attached to the Institut International des Sciences Théoriques for the technical performance of the programmes specified for the sessions of the Academy. 
The manager of the Institute chairs the Secretariat general. He is appointed by the members of the Board of Directors of the Patrimoine de l’Institut International des Sciences Théoriques.
Title I. Purposes and means
Art. 1: The aim of the International Academy of Religious Sciences is to bring together theologians from different religious backgrounds and nationalities in order to seek together, in a climate of dialogue, progress in religious knowledge, mainly within the Christian Revelation. This joint search will be carried out through generally annual conventions, held in major theological centres and whose reports will generally be the subject of a publication. Conventions will also be held regularly with the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS).
Title II. Members
Art. 2: The International Academy of Religious Sciences is made up of full members and honorary members. Full members who, during 5 consecutive years, have not participated in the work of the Academy or have not shown their interest in the latter will ipso facto be regarded as honorary members.
Art. 3: Honorary members retain the right to participate in the activities of the Academy. Upon second participation in the conventions, they recover their status as full member.
Art. 4: The right to vote at general meetings will be exercised by the full members.
Art. 5: New members will be elected by the general meeting on presentation of the Academic Board or on the motivated request of three full members.
Applications, with resumés, should be submitted three months before the vote, to the Secretariat of the Academy which will pass them onto the full members at least one month before the vote. Resumés will be submitted to the attention of the members at the beginning of the convention during which the vote of the General Meeting will take place.
Exceptionally, the Academic Board may, with the agreement of the Director of the International Institute of Theoretical Sciences, submit the application of one or more new members whose file has not been previously introduced as specified above. Justification is then given duly given of this exceptional procedure to the members of the Meeting, before it proceeds with the vote.
Once elected, one is a life member of the Academy, except in the case of a formal request for resignation accepted by the General Meeting.
Art. 6: An applicant will be elected only if he / she achieves two-thirds of the votes in the first round, provided that the number of votes is at least equal to the absolute majority of the full members of the Academy. The applicant may be the subject of a second round if he obtained an absolute majority in the first round. In this case, he shall be elected if he achieves an absolute majority of votes.
Title III. Academic management
Art. 7: The Academy is headed by an Academic Board made up by a chairman, two vice-chairmen, two assessors and a secretary general. They are elected by the General Meeting of the Academy, with the exception of the secretary general who is the manager of the International Institute of Theoretical Sciences, member by right of the Academic Board. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the Academy shall have a casting vote.
Art. 8: The duties of the elected members of the Academic Board last three years. They are renewable. 
Title IV. Economic management
Art.9: The overhead costs of the Academy are assumed by the Secretariat general of the Institute.
Art. 10: The Academic Board will administer the specific resources of the Academy.
Title V. General Meetings
Art. 11: The General Meeting of the Academy is held during each convention and at least every three years. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened either by the Chairman with the agreement of the Academic Board or on the request of one quarter of the full members.
Art. 12: The General Meeting of the Academy has the authority to make any amendment to the By-laws approved by two-thirds of the members taking part in the vote, provided that the number of positive or negative votes is at least equal to the absolute majority of the full members of the Academy.
Title VI. General provisions
Art. 13: All the provisions of these by-laws will be written down in a policy set by the Academic Board and subjected to the General Meeting.
Excerpt from the by-laws of the asbl Patrimoine de l’Institut International des Sciences Théoriques (PIIST):
Art.13: The Board of Directors of the PIIST asbl sets annually the amount of the endowments assigned to the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) and to the Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses (AISR).


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